About The Founder

As an IIN Certified Holistic Health Coach, NASM Certified Personal Trainer, former college tennis player, CrossFit athlete, and passionate foodie, Elizabeth recognized a problem in the health, fitness & diet culture industry. Growing up, her heritage made her diet consist primarily of whole foods—where a typical day of eating included lots of fruits and vegetables, kicking days off with fresh pressed juices. Although she’s lived a relatively healthy and active lifestyle, it wasn’t until she was in college that she realized how little people actually know about foods’ impact on their health.


Whether working out, cooking, obtaining new customers, or spending Sundays enjoying life’s simple pleasures, one thing remains the same—her passion for holistic health. It fuels her motivation for all undertakings. This passion pushed her to become certified as a Holistic Health Coach after noticing those around her continuously struggle to cope with the common cold, serious illnesses, mental health problems, or sticking to whatever new fad diet is currently popular.


She knew there was immense work to be done for the sake of my community, country and beyond.  Regularly, she was asked for tips on food and exercise and soon realized that what works for one individual might not work for another. This was when her interest grew in bio-individual health. With a pandemic sweeping across the globe, she knew it was time to dive into this passion to properly help others the way she envisioned. It’s clear our immune systems need strengthening, as chronic diseases are the leading cause of death in the USA (70%, to be exact). Hippocrates said, “let food be thy medicine, & medicine be thy food,” and it’s with these words that she aligns her mission.


This is the story of how healthy hYOUman came to life. Elizabeth’s purpose is to help individuals become their healthiest selves through sustainable, holistic, and bio-individual coaching with some help from chef-prepared meal prepping.